Frequently Asked Questions

Can I book my appointment online?
Yes appointments can be made by clicking on the booking button on our website and via our Instagram page.

What is the minimum age for medical aesthetic services?
For safety reasons, we can only perform a treatment on clients aged 18 years and over. This is to ensure that all anatomy is fully developed and client understands exactly what they are consenting to.

Can I reschedule or cancel my appointment?
Yes! We are very understanding that plans can change and accept cancellations or can reschedule as long as it is 24 hours before your appointment. We have a booking and cancellation policy down below which you can read in greater detail.

Can I request a refund on medical aesthetic treatments, skin treatments and products purchased?
Unfortunately for medical aesthetic treatments and skin treatments, we are unable to offer a refund. For products purchased we will make an assessment on a case by case basis whether there is an issue with the formulation or faulty product. We do not refund or exchange products for change of mind.

Do you treat women who are actively planning to have a baby, pregnant or currently breastfeeding?
Unfortunately for medical aesthetic treatments, we are unable to treat you during this time as there is no gold standard evidence to support that it is safe towards the mother, fetus or child. However, our Vita Brite Lira Clinical Facial is the perfect pregnancy and breastfeeding skin treatment to help you feel rejuvenated again.

I have a special event coming up, how far in advance should I make a booking?
For medical aesthetic services we highly recommend giving yourself a four week buffer to allow for optimal healing time and any adjustments that may be required.

Will my results look natural?
Yes, our philosophy is to restore and rejuvenate our clients existing features. The treatment dosage is personalised to each client needs and to ensure we deliver the desired outcome.

Is there anything I need to do differently before my appointment?
Yes, have a read of the pre-treatment advice down below for a detailed guide.

Will the treatment be painful?
The level of pain experienced during treatment is highly influenced by the client’s level of tolerance and the service being performed. Our cosmetic nurse will apply pharmaceutically compounded local anaesthetic cream to where required and some medical aesthetic products have a numbing agent included in its formulation. Other methods to offset any discomfort include diversional therapy, stress balls and tools to distract the client.

Is there any after care?
Yes most services require after care. The cosmetic nurse will discuss this in great detail following your treatment and can also be accessed down below.

I missed my complimentary review for my wrinkle relaxing or volume enhancing treatment, can I rebook at a later date?
We highly recommend all new and returning clients to take advantage of the complimentary review to ensure you have achieved the desired result. All clients are given the opportunity to book that review 2 weeks after a wrinkle relaxing treatment or 4 weeks after a volume enhancing treatment. There is a 7 day grace period to make that appointment and a sms reminder is sent regarding this. Should you miss this window, a review can be booked however it is no longer complimentary, a consultation fee will need to be paid aswell as cost of treatment. If it has been a number of weeks since your wrinkle relaxing treatment you may not be suitable for a “top up” dose and will need to wait till the minimum 12 week interval between treatments to minimise complications such a medication resistance

What forms of payment do you accept?
You are able to pay for your treatments using cash, debit card, credit card including AMEX and Afterpay.